
My sister called me last night while I was working on andreweb, and wouldn't get off the phone with me until I agreed to write a letter to the board of trustees at the church. I have to say, I really didn't have the energy to talk to these people who don't listen, but, she was dogged in her determination, so I relented. This morning I wrote one, and sent it along to her, my other sister and my dad to get the editors eyeball on it (all three). I still don't know what good it's going to do. But I think that they'll get a scare out of the part where I threaten to get up at announcements and tell the whole congregation that this decision is going to be made without their knowledge or opinion considered. I think that's my favorite part of the letter.
I got most of the front bed weeded today. I still have to go over to the iris bed and do that. I have not really felt well the past few days. Plagued by a headache in my face and upset stomach, and really tired too. This belonging to a church is really taking it's toll on me.