history will teach us nothing
It seems that ever since I got back from our trip to California, I have been flat out and/or sick. I have not put word one up that had anything to do with the extensive good time we had with family and friends, all of the incredible warmth and generosity we received (and were blown away by). So our trip was great. We came away from the trip with a great feeling of accomplishment. We did a lot of stuff. Really good Mexican food, generous friends with wonderful parents, tidepooling, beach, eating, laughing, eating, beach, museums, eating, science center, aquarium, cold stone (woa, that's even too rich for my blood, if that's possible) and of course more eating. My inspiration, noted earlier in the blog entries, got me back in the video search (still waiting on the hard drive) and remebering who I was way back when. It is so easy to forget. Not that I want to be that person who stood up and marched out on g, g, and c because they were mixing the sour cream with the salsa (blasphemy!) Woa, I took myself WAY too seriously. Opening that door was a really good thing for me -- ok, so that was the start of the trip. From there tidepooling, the video I shot is great and I keep threatening to do something with it -- I will (really cute shot of w,q, and bf). Shot video at the playground waiting for the cousins to get back from the mall -- while I was swinging on the swing. bf fell in love with m, and wears the shirts he gave her at every opportunity (still -- really!) our next trip will include be a completely new structure (I hope) and we will do even more! I really enjoyed getting to know my SIL better, and I hope to do more of that, and be able to cook for her/them. Not enough time, in some respects, with others but more than before and more to come. So we both look forward to that (I hope they do!) the only thing I would change about of trip was the twin beds. Big drag. We had great times with the cuz's and were able to whisk them away with us to various places. The aquarium is by far one of the most beautiful spots I've seen. There needs to be more time to sit on the lounges out back, talk and drink. LOVED the Dutch butter cakes. Those are dangerous. And I still have to send another card to the parents b/c they sent bf some window gels -- think they are fishing for more cards? Like the second visit to Oceanside, they just might be sadly mistaken with the second card. Oh well. bf fell in love with hoppity hops and Styrofoam airplanes that you get at the five and dime, and that reminds me, the airplane I got for her b-day needs to had the sixth or seventh piece of tape to secure the tail. Now I am starting to ramble. I hope this give a good picture of the fun we had, still have the tidpooling pamphlet that was carefully drawn up for us. It also reminds me how terribly behind I am at sending thank you notes (sorry nana). Well, I guess I'd better go do that...Know your human rights, be what you come here for...