I went to the hockney show. BF got to play with her cousin, and i got to go have some adult time to get lost in the exhibit. I have my parents to thank for that (thanks mom, dad!) A rare opportunity to spend some time with andrew and tim. Boy, did they spoil me (you guys are too much). Well, the show was intense, I got to see some work of his that I grew up looking at in books. That alone was amazing, but the depth of work and range of styles that he has done is breathtaking. It was eye opening, made me start thinking about my own skills and how underutilized they are. Andrew threatened to use tim and me as models when he gets into graduate school - "ok." i said. Just thinking about working and thinking on that level again was exciting. It's a place I really want to go.
Also, I got a sassy new hair cut.