that was interesting. In the dream I had last night, I was dropping off some of my artwork (?) at a gallery across from what looked like Andrea Manning's old apartment. It was an obstacle course, and I had to climb a ladder that was hanging from the top edge of a swinging door. Once the ladder was positioned properly, I was able to climb into the next room and meet the gallery owner (my oldest sister and her family having dinner around their table). Walking out the door (with my mom) I said," hey, that IS Andrea's old apartment, I doubt she lives there because it was 18 years ago (yikes!) that I was in Davis, CA. But I approach the house anyway, and there was a man (an artist) who invited us in and showed us his work. He had alot of beautiful stuff, but what fascinated me most was an animation study of a sheep herd, in the style of "the man who planted trees" but the animals and background were all built with type. Then I woke up.