sleep baby sleep

bubblefish has been napping now for two and a half hours, and i think it might be time to go wake the beastie. she has been sick for the past few days and not sleeping all that great, but i do need to go to the store and the other store and the other store, and with DH gigging tonight and tomorrow night, i must bring BF with me. she's been going stir crazy anyway and can't wait to get outside and play with her matchbox cars (like mother, like daughter). and, and, and...i need to make some tea sandwiches for sunday's new member brunch. in the meantime i still am not fullly on board with the whole church thing. oh, and two dozen chocolate chip cookies. bf will help me with those, i'm sure. did i say i was still upset with the board members?

it's looking like snow, time to check
i really should have taken a nap. OOP, I hear her. she's up.


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